- [ ] ortfo - [ ] schoolsyst - [ ] ecoleredirect - [ ] learn-it - [ ] gakko - [ ] ecoledirecte-js-scraper - [ ] yaml2markdown - [ ] shapemaker - [ ] forum-des-metiers - [ ] basically all my music - [ ] etymology - [ ] miss-you-remix - [ ] morph - [ ] mr-blue-sky-remix - [ ] nihon - [ ] ink - [ ] interstellar - [ ] stranger-things-remixes - [ ] unspecial-effects-remix - [ ] mx3 - [ ] n7beats-* (wip) - [ ] papers - [ ] penrose-triangle-tshirt (wip) - [ ] periodic-table-skeleton - [ ] portfolio, mentionning - [ ] portfolio* - [ ] personal-logo - [ ] selfportrait (in music collection ?) - [ ] programath - [ ] platonic-solids (in collection math-is-beautiful) - [ ] theoremindmap - [ ] (collection: tvn7-*) - [ ] クリエート (alias to kuriieto) - [ ] parcoursup-dataviz - [ ] spotify-browser-metadata-script - [ ] strudach - [ ] dotfiles - [ ] ffcss - [ ] ensgaei - [ ] smooth cursorify - [ ] litex (wip) - [ ] indentex (merge with litex) - [ ] studentml (merge in litex) - [ ] bone fracture detection (with alias TIPE) - [ ] nimes (wip) - [ ] queyd (wip) - [ ] fsorg - [ ] crossplain - [ ] makisushi (todo me prendre en photo avec) - [ ] infrasonic village - [ ] ivia (wip) - [ ] livre-de-tout (wip) - [ ] midibackup (written) - [ ] pychemin, mentionning - [ ] hyperis - [ ] deliverit (wip) - [ ] check-availability - [ ] creations (add section to ideaseed) - [ ] phelng, mentionning: - [ ] bytdlff - [ ] youtube-batch-dl - [ ] minimal-icons - [ ] python-cli-box - [ ] python-strip-ansi - [ ] python-typed-dotenv - [ ] python-initsystem - [ ] (collection: python-*) - [ ] restapiboys - [ ] gitmoji-commit-graphs - [ ] acf-* - [ ] appstract - [ ] estiaig-productions-personnelles, jean-monnet-dossier (mention in /about ?) - [ ] fete-des-couleurs - [ ] science-is-beautiful (as collection!) - [ ] yana (group with queyd?) ## less important - [ ] z-comme-zadig - [ ] freezaxe - [ ] reccube - [ ] restauration-rapide - [ ] slides-oral-bac-russe - [ ] affaire-raquin - [ ] erwin - [ ] innovation-day-world-wide-web - [ ] cyrano - [ ] publishr (first python project), mentionning: - [ ] mx3-publishr - [ ] style-baner - [ ] random-language - [ ] iupac-naming - [ ] clean-my-audios (first bash script) - [ ] youtube-music-fixes - [ ] allutf8 - [ ] coding-drama - [ ] deploy-tools (mention in deliverit) - [ ] les-harobases - [ ] math-off-the-grid (wip) - [ ] mathriddler (wip) - [ ] mazde-neverland-lyrics-video (wip) - [ ] universe-anatomy - [ ] mirrored