---index--- √ GET Current date/time √ GET Subjects √ POST subjects ---homework--- √ POST homework √ GET homework for next/current week √ SORTER homework by subject weight & day √ GET exercices & tests √ GET homework (exercices|tests) count for today+next day w/ event √ GROUPBY homework by due date ---grades--- √ GET grades √ GET trimester mean √ COMP grades of trimestre √ COMP mean of grades √ GET trimester evolution √ COMP mean before last grade √ POST grades √ GET due tests' grades √ GET past grades w/ obtained==null ---settings--- √ GET settings √ GET settingdefinitions √ POST settings √ GROUPBY settings category (ignore ^__.+__$) ---schedule--- √ GET current event (and current subject consequently) √ GET subject's next event √ GET next event or null √ GET current trimester √ GET time remainig before end of current event √ GET schedule for current week √ GET schedule for any week √ COMP current week_type √ COMP current week's deletions (mutations' deleted dates) √ COMP current week's additions (mutations' rescheduled dates) √ GET mutations for current week √ GET events of tomorrow (.length==0?) √ GET subjects to add for tomorrow √ GET subjects to remove for tomorrow ---notes--- √ POST notes √ GET current subject latest note √ GET learndata of current subject √ SORTER notes by last_modified (or last_opened?) SEARCHER notes by... - title - subject √ GET notes of current subject √ GET note by UUID